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The book is 165 pages, and I wrote it as if I were giving a lecture and teaching the subject live. The text thoroughly covers all concepts, and the photos illustrate all of the points. Here's some samples:

I sprinkle the ebook with some quizzes that are answered in the following pages.

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Illustrations clearlify all concepts.

You will not only learn everything you need to know to understand flash, you'll also learn how to set up for Hummingbird photography.

And you will learn how to use Triggering Devices like the RangeIR and Sabre.

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And how to photograph bats -- in many different settings.


If you want to capture action like never before, if you want to understand flash,
if you want to understand triggering devices ... this is the book for you.

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Order your ebook today!

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Hunts Photo

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